Monday, November 19, 2012

Mini Goals

I have decided to set mini goals in my weight loss journey.

That way I will feel as if I am accomplishing things along the way and it will give me something to work towards in the short term. Short term goals have been shown to increase motivation and contribute to overall success. 

I think this will help to keep me on track considering my end goal (59kg's) is so far away. I had to actually change the end goal date out  more as I dont think I had given myself a realistic time frame.

I dont want to go on a major crash diet to lose the weight quickly as I want to make these changes for life.

I think my first mini goal will be to get down to 71.8 kg's before I leave for my trip to America on 8th December.

Some of you might think this is too small of a goal but I dont want to make one that is too big to achieve. It will be a struggle for me as I have a few christmas parties and birthday dinners to attend in the next 3 weeks and I feel that 700g per week is a good amount to lose.

My second goal will be to stay the same weight while I am in america and If I lose any weight it will be an added bonus.

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