Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Feeling Motivated!

Last night I felt extra motivated about getting in shape. I did and extra 35 mins on the bike after going to the gym and this morning I also added in some running on the treadmill.

I have been bad and have been weighing myself every day even though I know that I shouldn't and I am quite disappointed to say that my weight hasn't changed at all since Monday.

I know I should only weigh myself once a week but sometimes I just cant resist the pull of the scales! i am not going to weigh myself tomorrow though! I will resist the urge! 

Its easy to get put off and just start eating junk food when you cant see any results but I am not going to let that happen. Like it says below you only regret things you don't do and I dont want to look back in 6 months time and be at the same weight I am at now and regret the fact that I didn't do anything about it.

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