Monday, November 26, 2012

Inspiring Weight Loss Post

I read this today on another blog and I find it very inspiring. I need to read this next time I feel like binging on Junk food.

Imaging being able to say, “I used to be fat.” Imagine summer swim parties in a string bikini. Imagine shopping for jeans and having to ask for a smaller size. Imagine being able to wear anything you want. Imagine not having to change clothes 10 times in the morning because you look fat in everything. Imagine being able to say, “I did it.” Imagine stepping onto the scale and feeling beautiful. Imagine eating in public with no shame. Imagine not cringing inside when a beautiful skinny girl walks by you. Imagine being happy. Imagine wearing skinny jeans. Imagine your husband being able to sweep you off your feet and carry you on your wedding day. Imagine this, and never ever give up!

I would love to feel like this! This will be me next year :0)

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