Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Another Day Done and Dusted

It was really hard to get out of bed and go to the gym this morning.

I always feel great after I have been though and I am happy to get my exercise over and done with for the day.

I find one of the best motivators is to go to the gym with someone. This makes me go even when I dont want to as I dont want to let the other person down. 

I am also feeling motivated to go now that I have started this blog as I know a lot of my friends are reading it. Some have even been inspired to create their own blog. I dont want to fail in my weight loss attempt if I am supposed to be inspiring other people to do the same.

The real test for me will be on the weekend. This is when my diet attempts usually fail. I am quite good at exercising and eating healthily during the week but I always struggle on the weekend. I am feeling quietly confident though because of my sucess at resisting the ice creams and chocolate buttons that were being eaten in front of me last night.

This time I will succeed!!!

I cant wait for what the future will bring!

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