Monday, November 26, 2012


I am always interested to see how many calories I have burnt off in a workout. I always like to refer this back to how much food I have burnt off. Then I can think "I need to do an extra 20cal to burn off that etc "

Usually if I go on my exercise bike at home I burn off around 170-200 cal in 30-35 mins.

Below is a list of some foods and their calories.  Some are very interesting!

Trim Flat White cal 116 per cup

Sav Blanc 120 cal per glass

Multi Grain Bread 80 cal per slice

Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar 520 cal in a 100 bar (wow that makes me think twice about eating chocolate. That would take me about 1.5 hours to burn off one chocolate bar!)

Restaurant Serving of Pad Thai approx 800 cal 

McDonald's Cheeseburger 300 cal

Banana (small) 90 cal

Greek Yoghurt (1 Cup) 130 cal

Apple 101 cal

Light Vanilla Ice Cream (1/2 cup) 125 cal. Full fat vanilla would be 266 cal.

Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) 188 cal

Pene Pasta (100 g) 352 cal

Chicken breast (100g) 171 cal

Bacon (100g) 304 cal

Lettuce (1 cup of iceberg) 8 cal (wow this is so little!)

Spinach (1 cup) 7 cal (even less than lettuce!)

Capsicum (100g) approx 20 cal

Looking at all of these amounts above makes me realise that I should be eating a lot more vegetables. They have so few calories that I will be able to eat more of them making me feel full for longer without having to worry about putting on weight/ not losing weight

I will definitely be eating more salad and veg this week and trying to cut down on other things like starchy carbs. I need to get into a habit of having half a plate of salad or veg every night.

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