Thursday, November 29, 2012


I have to confess.

After doing quite well I was very bad last night and went on a binge.

I ate half a bag of red licorice and about 4 spoons of nutella :(

I feel really bad about it now too and I wish I hadn't eaten it. I am going to have to be super good this weekend so that my weigh in on Monday isn't so bad.

I am going to do extra exercise this weekend as well to try and make up for it. I really just need to stay on track!


Monday, November 26, 2012

Inspiring Weight Loss Post

I read this today on another blog and I find it very inspiring. I need to read this next time I feel like binging on Junk food.

Imaging being able to say, “I used to be fat.” Imagine summer swim parties in a string bikini. Imagine shopping for jeans and having to ask for a smaller size. Imagine being able to wear anything you want. Imagine not having to change clothes 10 times in the morning because you look fat in everything. Imagine being able to say, “I did it.” Imagine stepping onto the scale and feeling beautiful. Imagine eating in public with no shame. Imagine not cringing inside when a beautiful skinny girl walks by you. Imagine being happy. Imagine wearing skinny jeans. Imagine your husband being able to sweep you off your feet and carry you on your wedding day. Imagine this, and never ever give up!

I would love to feel like this! This will be me next year :0)



Chicken & Avocado Sandwich with Snow Pea Sprouts and Semi-Dried Tomatoes



I am always interested to see how many calories I have burnt off in a workout. I always like to refer this back to how much food I have burnt off. Then I can think "I need to do an extra 20cal to burn off that etc "

Usually if I go on my exercise bike at home I burn off around 170-200 cal in 30-35 mins.

Below is a list of some foods and their calories.  Some are very interesting!

Trim Flat White cal 116 per cup

Sav Blanc 120 cal per glass

Multi Grain Bread 80 cal per slice

Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar 520 cal in a 100 bar (wow that makes me think twice about eating chocolate. That would take me about 1.5 hours to burn off one chocolate bar!)

Restaurant Serving of Pad Thai approx 800 cal 

McDonald's Cheeseburger 300 cal

Banana (small) 90 cal

Greek Yoghurt (1 Cup) 130 cal

Apple 101 cal

Light Vanilla Ice Cream (1/2 cup) 125 cal. Full fat vanilla would be 266 cal.

Peanut Butter (2 tbsp) 188 cal

Pene Pasta (100 g) 352 cal

Chicken breast (100g) 171 cal

Bacon (100g) 304 cal

Lettuce (1 cup of iceberg) 8 cal (wow this is so little!)

Spinach (1 cup) 7 cal (even less than lettuce!)

Capsicum (100g) approx 20 cal

Looking at all of these amounts above makes me realise that I should be eating a lot more vegetables. They have so few calories that I will be able to eat more of them making me feel full for longer without having to worry about putting on weight/ not losing weight

I will definitely be eating more salad and veg this week and trying to cut down on other things like starchy carbs. I need to get into a habit of having half a plate of salad or veg every night.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Week 2 Weigh In

Starting weight: 74.7kg
Todays Weight: 73.3kg

Lost this week:0.6kg
Total loss:  1.4kg

Today was my second weight in and I have lost 0.6kg. I am quite happy with this although it is 100grams off my target weight loss. I will have to try and work harder this week to make up for it.

It will be a hard 2 weeks ahead though. I am going to try and be really really good during the week as this weekend I have a christmas party and a hens night to go to so I will be drinking some alcohol. I am not going to drink a lot so that I can wake up without a hangover and get some exercising done this weekend.

Happy Monday Everyone!

Saturday, November 24, 2012


It's coming up to my second weigh in tomorrow and I am a bit nervous.  Even though I have exercised every day and eaten well I don't feel any slimmer. I just feel the same. 

I did eat some Chinese this weekend but instead of the usual feast of 3 or more different dishes and a pile chips I only ate some fried rice and some chowmein. I also kept my portion sizes down and did double cardio to make up for it.

I am hoping for some good results! 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Feeling Tired

I am feeling so tired today!  I didnt even go to the gym this morning, I used the extra hour to sleep in.

I am feeling really bad about it now and I wish I had of gone. Now I am going to have to go after work. Who wants to be a the gym on a Friday night? not me! but I have to go because I want to see some good results when I weigh in on Monday.

Once again I am going to try and be really good food wise this weekend. It Shouldn't be too hard as I dont have much planned. I am also going to try and exercise both days. Even if it is just going for a walk.

I just cant wait to have a nice sleep in tomorrow!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Feeling Motivated!

Last night I felt extra motivated about getting in shape. I did and extra 35 mins on the bike after going to the gym and this morning I also added in some running on the treadmill.

I have been bad and have been weighing myself every day even though I know that I shouldn't and I am quite disappointed to say that my weight hasn't changed at all since Monday.

I know I should only weigh myself once a week but sometimes I just cant resist the pull of the scales! i am not going to weigh myself tomorrow though! I will resist the urge! 

Its easy to get put off and just start eating junk food when you cant see any results but I am not going to let that happen. Like it says below you only regret things you don't do and I dont want to look back in 6 months time and be at the same weight I am at now and regret the fact that I didn't do anything about it.

Monday, November 19, 2012



Mini Goals

I have decided to set mini goals in my weight loss journey.

That way I will feel as if I am accomplishing things along the way and it will give me something to work towards in the short term. Short term goals have been shown to increase motivation and contribute to overall success. 

I think this will help to keep me on track considering my end goal (59kg's) is so far away. I had to actually change the end goal date out  more as I dont think I had given myself a realistic time frame.

I dont want to go on a major crash diet to lose the weight quickly as I want to make these changes for life.

I think my first mini goal will be to get down to 71.8 kg's before I leave for my trip to America on 8th December.

Some of you might think this is too small of a goal but I dont want to make one that is too big to achieve. It will be a struggle for me as I have a few christmas parties and birthday dinners to attend in the next 3 weeks and I feel that 700g per week is a good amount to lose.

My second goal will be to stay the same weight while I am in america and If I lose any weight it will be an added bonus.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Some More Hot Bodies!

Week 1 Weigh In

Starting weight: 74.7kg
Todays Weight: 73.9kg

Lost this week:0.8kg
Total loss:  0.8kg

So today marks the end of my first of week writing this blog, exercising and eating healthily.

I am happy to say I am down 0.8kg woohoo!!! This means am on track to achieve my goal.

I had a really hard weekend food wise. I wasnt really bad but I felt like eating 24/7. I did go out for Thai last night and had a mixed entree so that wasn't the best choice but overall I was quite proud of how my eating went.  I didn't stuff myself  full at dinner and didnt have dessert or alcohol.

I also resisted the temptation to eat chips and dip on Sunday because I just kept thinking of how it would affect my weigh in this morning. And looking back on it now I am so glad I didnt eat them.

Let hope I can keep up the good work!

If Jennifer hudson can do it so can I!

Before and after: Jennifer went from a size 16 down to a svelte size six after she joined Weight Watchers two years agoNothing to worry about: Jennifer looked incredible as she filmed a Weight Watchers commercial in downtown LA on Friday afternoon

Thursday, November 15, 2012



YAY its Friday!

Almost the weekend!

I  cant wait to have my first official weigh in on Monday. I am sure it will be good. Having my weight tracked on Mondays means that I will be thinking twice about what I eat over the weekend.

I am going to the movies tonight so I will have to resist the temptation to eat all the yummy movie food. Popcorn is one of my faves!

I went to the gym and did some cardio this morning even though I would have much rather stayed in bed! 

I might try a new workout this weekend called insanity. It is supposed to be a super hard out cardio session that you can do at home. I watched a bit of the DVD last night and it definitely looks really hard. Im not sure if I will be able to cope for the whole hour.

Anyway here is a little bit of inspiration for the day

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Healthy Food

I like putting up pictures of healthy food that looks good.

It makes me realise that healthy food can be as delicious and satisfying as unhealthy food.

I think it is all about being creative and making the food look attractive!