Sunday, February 24, 2013

I Have Returned


I hadn't written in my blog for a while as I wasn't too sure on where to start. I have decided to start writing again as I don't want this period of my life to go by undocumented. I find other fitness blogs really inspiring and I hope that one day my blog can be inspiring some one else.

I don't want to look back and regret not writing this blog.

So a quick catch up on where I am at at the moment......

I have joined weight watchers and have been doing really well. My weight is currently at 71kg. Which means I have lost 4 kg since I got back from America (1kg on my own and 3 at weight watchers).

I weigh in every Wednesday night so I will be able to post weekly weigh in updates every thursday.

Right now I am feeling more motivated than I ever have before to lose all this weight and get to my goal. It really helps that I have friends and family in the same situation as me who are all striving to lose weight too.

 I just cant wait until a few months have passed and I am fitter and healthier! Hopefuly this will soon be me!

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