Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Week 3 Weigh In

Starting weight: 74.7kg
Todays Weight: 72.9kg

Lost this week:0.4kg
Total loss:  1.8kg

Sorry this weigh in is a bit late. I was busy all yesterday so didn't have time to put up this post. I lost 0.4 this week which I have mixed feelings about. I am happy that my weight went down considering all the wine and liquorice I drank/ate last week but I wish I had of been better and that I had lost more weight.

At least it is headed in the right direction I guess.

This will be my last weigh in for a while as I am headed overseas on Saturday for 3 weeks.

I will do one as soon as I get back. Hopefully I would have remained at the same weight or even have lost a bit.

I cant let all the hard work go to waste. That's what I have to think about while I am overseas because I could easily put all the weight back on in that period of time and I don't want that to happen.

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