Tuesday, March 19, 2013



How tiring that must be for your bones…

WOW does this ever put thinks into perspective…


I Have been lazy at updating my blog sorry.

Last week I only lost 100grams. Not great. I am Nervous to see what my weigh in tonight will bring.

I have been really good eating wise but had a minor surgery last week which means I cant exercise for 3 weeks! Hopefully the eating will be enough to bring the numbers down!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beach Bodies!

Weigh In

Current Weight: 69.9kg
Weight Lost:0.5
Total weight lost:5.1kg


I know I only just slipped in but I am so excited!

69kgs is my fist goal I set myself and not too long ago it seemed as if it would be so hard to there and now I am only 0.9kg off.

 I am almost 1/3 of the way in my weight loss journey as well which makes me feel excited for the future. This past week I have started to notice that some of my clothes are getting baggy and I can fit into a couple of dresses that I haven't been able to wear in a while. You dont know how exciting that is for me considering I have been carrying around this extra weight for more than 1 year.

This year I am finally going to get to my goal weight! this is the most motivated I have ever felt about losing weight.