Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I love this bikini!

This picture just reminds me of everything great about summmer and why I want to lose weight.

I want to look like that in a bikini next year!
Dont new workout clothes just make you feel a whole lot better about exercising?

I know I fell alot more motivated to exercise if im exercising in style.

I think I might need to invest in some more gym gear shortly!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Weigh In

Start Weight:74.7
Todays Weight: 74.3
Total lost 0.4

As I put on weight in America I have only lost 0.4 overall from the start of this blog. I am not too worried as I am feeling positive about the year ahead.

I wasnt the best on the weekend at the wedding I had to go to I had quite a few glasses of wine and ate all my dessert. But I am going to be good!

It was my first proper day back at the gym this morning as well and I even ran for a few minutes which I am proud of!

Stay Healthy everyone!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Weekend Worries...

I have been really good this week diet and exercise wise. I have stuck to my calories every day and have even been doing extra exercising to make up for a larger dinner I ate last night.

I am worried about what the weekend will bring though. I find it quite easily to eat healthy during the week but really hard on the weekend.

This weekend will be especially hard as I have a lunch and dinner tomorrow and a wedding on Sunday night.

I am just going to try and be really sensible and get in some good exercise on Sunday. At least I will have the thought of my Monday morning weigh in to keep me on track! 




omfg yum!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Im Back!

I'm back from my trip and it's the beginning of a new year so its time to start up my blog again.

I was really bad eating wise in America and put back on all the weight I lost. I had weighed my self when I got back about 2 weeks ago and I was back up to 75 kg's :( fatter tahn when I started :(

I haven't weighed my self since then but I have been eating healthily and tracking my calories on my fitness pal so hopefully that has come back down a bit.

I will start back properly at the gym on Monday so will start recording my proper weigh in's from then.

2013 is the year to get stuff done! no more procrastinating!